March 3, 2011

Long Week

This has been a terribly long week. I have felt awful every day. It feels like all the life has been sucked out of me. I've tried to exercise a few times, but it feels like I don't have the energy to do anything that would be productive.

I got sick last Friday (I think I might have mentioned that before). I think it decided to hang around a lot longer than I thought it would. I've woken up every day this week feeling pretty sick, so it has made for an incredibly long week. I took my first Calc test on Monday; I think I did pretty well on it, so we'll see about that. I have my first Transition test tomorrow, and it is probably going to be very very very hard. Everyone seemed pretty confused when we went over the last section. After that test and my New Testament test, I am working Hub City with West Jackson this weekend. I'm looking forward to that; I think it will be a lot of fun.

I'm starting to feel better; today has definitely been the best I've felt all week. Hopefully I'm over the worst of this energy-draining whatever I had. Time to go attempt to study Transition. I'll post after Hub City to tell how it went.


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