February 10, 2011

February 9

I'm proud of myself for posting so much last night; it was like a constant stream straight from my thoughts onto the page. That's what blogging is all about, right? Well, I did have a few content filters; the internet doesn't need to know EVERYTHING I am thinking about. That I'll save for my journal.

I played basketball tonight with a bunch of guys; Josh convinced me to go. I found that I can't quite shoot as well as I used to be able to back at Haverton Crossing. I guess I'm still a decent passer, but that's about the extent of my current skills. Pooh Bear is over, we're probably gonna play some FIFA in a few minutes. Not much else is new, classes were fine today. I always get really hungry by about the middle of Calculus though. I'll survive.

No classes tomorrow, too much snow. Probably means it's a letter night. Yippee.

...Still thinking of a phrase...


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